Key Important Words

Legionella:  a bacteria that causes the Legionellosis disease

Legionellosis: a disease that can be fatal; caused by the bacteria Legionella and can lead to the victim having pneumonia

Pontiac Fever: another name for Legionellosis; causes respiratory infections similar to those of the regular influenza virus

Pneumonia: the inflammation of the lungs

Pathogenic: capable of producing a disease

Bacterium: a large group consisting of single-celled organisms

Epidemic: affecting many persons at the same time, and spreading from person to person in a locality where the disease is not permanently prevalent.

Pandemic: prevalent throughout an entire country, continent, or the whole world

Strain: the body of descendants of a common ancestor

Airborne: carried or transported through the air

Contagious: capable of being transmitted by bodily contact with an infected person or object

Acid-Fast: ability to resist staining during a staining procedure